Thursday, November 2, 2017

Mini Term Project: Lake County, IL LiDAR Data Interpretation

Lake County of Illinois LiDAR Data Interpretation:

Digital Surface Model, Digital Terrain Model, Intensity Image, and Anaglyph

Geography 338: Remote Sensing of the Environment
Spring 2016

            Lake County is located in the state of Illinois.  Lake County was established in the United States as a county on March 1, 1839.  Lake County was given its name because it was named after Lake Michigan.  This county lies on the border between the states of Illinois and Wisconsin.  Lake County is bordered by Kenosha County, WI to the north, Lake Michigan to the east, Cook County to the south, and McHenry County to the west (Lake County, Illinois Genealogy, History & Facts).  The land area of Lake County is 448 square miles, and Cook County has a water area of 910.4 square miles (Lake County, Illinois (IL)).  

      The population of Lake County recorded by the 2015 census was 703,910 people (Quick Facts Lake County, Illinois).  In 2012, it was recorded that 99% of the county is urban and 1% is rural.  The population density in 2012 was 1,578 people per square mile.  As of March 2013, the cost living index in Lake County was 101.5, very close to the United States average of 100.0 (Lake County, Illinois (IL)).   The 2014 census data recorded that about 12.2% of the population is 65 years or older and 25.4% of the population is under eighteen years of age.  Women represented 50.1% of the population in 2014.  In 2014, the population of Lake County was 82.3% White and 7.5% African American (Quick Facts Lake County, Illinois).  Lake County is in the Central Standard Time Zone.  The city of Waukegan is the most populated city in Lake County with a population of 98,503 people as of July 2015.  Lake County has one college, the Lake Forest College and as of July 2015 89% of the population was high school grads and 42% of the population held a bachelor’s degree (Lake County, IL, USA)  Lake County, Illinois can be seen in Figure 1 and 2.     

      The types of remote sensing analysis I performed on the LiDAR data for this study area include, a digital surface model (DSM) with a hillshade, a digital terrain model (DTM) with a hillshade, an intensity image, and an anaglyph image.  All of the raster derived products I created are at 2 meters spatial resolution.

Figure 1. Map of Lake County Illinois.

LiDAR point cloud and Tile Index are from Lake County, 2007.

National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) image is from United States Department of Agriculture, Lake County 2007.

United States Counties Shapefile Esri 2013 Dataset.

Remote Sensing Analysis
After downloading the LiDAR point cloud and Tile Index for Lake County, I started by creating a LAS dataset from the Lake County LiDAR point cloud tiles.  I opened ArcMap and went into ArcCatalog where I created a folder for my project. I right clicked that folder and selected New and choose LAS Dataset from the options.  I named the new dataset and opened the properties of the dataset.  I opened the properties and when to the LAS Files tab where I imported all of the LAS files for Lake County by selecting the Add Files… button and importing all of the LAS files.  I assigned a proper XY coordinate system by first consulting the metadata file for the imported files and I set the XY coordinate system under the XY Coordinate System tab in the LAS Dataset Properties window to NAD 1983 HARN State Plane Illinois East FIPS 1201 Feet.  I consulted the metadata for the vertical coordinate system and I set the vertical coordinate system under the Z Coordinate System tab to North American Vertical Datum of 1988.  I displayed the LAS dataset in ArcMap. 

To create the digital surface model (DSM) with first returns I started by activating the LAS Dataset toolbar in ArcMap and going into the Customize dropdown heading and selecting Extensions.  In the Extensions popup window I checked the boxes next to 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst and closed the window.  I also made sure my LAS dataset was set to First Returns in the LAS Dataset toolbar.  I next opened Arc Toolbox and expanded the Conversion Tools and the To Raster tools to access the LAS Dataset to Raster tool.  I opened the tool and inputted my LAS dataset and set a name and location for my output file to save to.  I made sure the Value Field read Elevation and I set the Binning Cell Assignment Type to Maximum and the Void Fill Method to Natural Neighbor.  I made sure Sampling Type was set to Cellsize and in the Sampling Value field I entered 6.56168 feet so that the spatial resolution would be 2 meters.  To make the tool process faster I selected the Environments… button at the bottom of the window and expanded the Parallel Processing heading where I set the Parallel Processing Factor to 100%.  I ran the tool and when the tool was complete my DSM was displayed the ArcMap viewer.  The only difficulties I had with creating the DSM was that it took about two hours to create the image.  My DSM image can be found in the Results section, Figure 2.
To create the digital surface model hillshade with first returns I started in ArcMap where I made sure the 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst tools were still active.  I then opened Arc Toolbox and expanded the 3D Analyst Tools and the Raster Surface tools to access the Hillshade tool.  I opened the tool, inputted my DSM image and set a name and location for my output file to save to.  I ran the tool and when the tool was complete my DSM hillshade was displayed in the ArcMap viewer.  My DSM hillshade can be found in the Results section, Figure 3.  

To create the digital terrain model (DTM) with ground returns I started in ArcMap where I made sure the 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst tools were still active.  I also made sure my LAS dataset was set to the Ground filter in the LAS Dataset toolbar.  I next opened Arc Toolbox and expanded the Conversion Tools and the To Raster tools to access the LAS Dataset to Raster tool.  I opened the tool and inputted my LAS dataset and set a name and location for my output file to save to.  I made sure the Value Field read Elevation and I set the Binning Cell Assignment Type to Minimum and the Void Fill Method to Natural Neighbor.  I made sure Sampling Type was set to Cellsize and in the Sampling Value field I entered 6.56168 feet so that the spatial resolution would be 2 meters.  To make the tool process faster I selected the Environments… button at the bottom of the window and expanded the Parallel Processing heading where I set the Parallel Processing Factor to 100%.  I ran the tool and when the tool was complete my DTM was displayed the ArcMap viewer.  The only difficulties I had with creating the DTM was that it took about two hours to create the image.  My DTM image can be found in the Results section, Figure 4.

To create the digital terrain model hillshade with ground returns I started in ArcMap where I made sure the 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst tools were still active.  I then opened Arc Toolbox and expanded the 3D Analyst Tools and the Raster Surface tools to access the Hillshade tool.  I opened the tool, inputted my DTM image and set a name and location for my output file to save to.  I ran the tool and when the tool was complete my DTM hillshade was displayed in the ArcMap viewer.  My DTM hillshade can be found in the Results section, Figure 5.  

To create the intensity image I started in an ArcMap viewer displaying my LAS dataset for Lake County.  I set the dataset to Points and First Return in the LAS Dataset toolbar.  I next opened Arc Toolbox and expanded the Conversion Tools and the To Raster tools to access the LAS Dataset to Raster tool.  I opened the tool and inputted my LAS dataset and set a name and location for my output file to save to.  I made sure the Value Field read Intensity and I set the Binning Cell Assignment Type to Average and the Void Fill Method to Natural Neighbor.  I made sure Sampling Type was set to Cellsize and in the Sampling Value field I entered 6.56168 feet so that the spatial resolution would be 2 meters.  To make the tool process faster I selected the Environments… button at the bottom of the window and expanded the Parallel Processing heading where I set the Parallel Processing Factor to 100%.  I ran the tool and when the tool was complete my intensity image was displayed the ArcMap viewer.  My intensity image can be found in the Results section, Figure 6.

To create the anaglyph image of Lake County I started in ArcMap with the newly created digital surface model (DSM) with the hillshade of Lake County.  I couldn’t open the image in Erdas Imagine because it was not saved in the right format.  To fix this, I right-clicked the DSM in the Table of Contents and selected Data and then I selected the Export option.  In the Export Raster Data window, I set my format to IMAGINE Image (.img) and set a location for my output image.  I clicked save to create the Imagine image.  Next, I needed to prepare my NAIP downloaded imagery.  In ArcMap I brought in the MrSID (.sid) version of the downloaded data.  I right clicked the data in the Table of Contents and selected Data and then I selected the Export option.  In the Export Raster Data window, I set my format to IMAGINE Image (.img) and set a location for my output image.  I clicked save to create the Imagine image.  After the export was complete, I brought the new NAIP image into an ArcMap viewer and when the prompt to calculate pyramid layers popped up, I selected to calculate pyramid layers.  When the pyramid layers were finished being calculated, I added the DSM image to the viewer as well.  The two images were not the same size, and covered different amounts of Illinois land area, so I had to create a shapefile to clip the images with.  I used an Esri 2013 shapefile of the counties of the United States.  I opened this shapefile in a new ArcMap document and used the Identify tool to locate Lake County.  I used the Select Features tool to select Lake County.  I created a layer from the selected features and exported the layer.  I next brought the exported layer into the ArcMap viewer.  I projected the clip to the same coordinate system as the NAIP image, NAD 1983 UTM Zone 16N with the use of the Projection tool.  When the projection finished running I opened a new black ArcMap document and added the newly projected shapefile of Lake County and the NAIP image.  I changed the shapefile to a hollow symbol with a red boarder so I could see how the shapefile and the NAIP image lined up.  There were major errors, to fix this I needed to edit the shapefile.  I activated the Editor Toolbar and selected Start Editing.  I selected the Lake County shapefile as the feature to start editing.  I used the Edit tool on the toolbar to select the shapefile for editing.  I selected the Reshape Feature Tool on the Editor Toolbar and drew in a new line along the Lake Michigan and Lake County boarder following the shape of the DSM to shape the county shapefile.  When I was finished I selected to Save Edits and Stop Editing.  Next, I clipped the NAIP image with the shapefile.  I opened Arc Toolbox and accessed the Data Management Tools and expanded the Raster tools to select the Clip tool.  I set my NAIP image as the Input Raster and set the Output Extent to the shapefile of Lake County.  I checked the box for the use of input features for clipping geometry and I ran the tool.  When the clip tool finished running the output image was brought into the ArcMap viewer.  I made sure it clipped correctly by bringing it into the viewer with the Lake County shapefile, the two matched up.  Next, I needed to prepare my DSM image.  I brought it into the ArcMap viewer and used the Project Raster tool to set it to the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 16N.  When the tool finished running I brought the image into the viewer.  I overlaid the Lake County shapefile on the newly projected DSM and noted that the DSM did not match the shapefile and the DSM needed to be clipped.  I opened Arc Toolbox and accessed the Data Management Tools and expanded the Raster tools to select the Clip tool.  I set my DSM image as the Input Raster and set the Output Extent to the shapefile of Lake County.  I checked the box for the use of input features for clipping geometry and I ran the tool.  When the clip tool finished running the output image was brought into the ArcMap viewer.  I made sure it clipped correctly by bringing it into the viewer with the Lake County shapefile, the two matched up.  I exported the clipped DSM image and the clipped NAIP image as IMAGINE Image images, so that they could be accessed in Erdas Imagine.                      

With all of my data prepared I was ready to create the anaglyph image of Lake County.  I opened an Erdas Imagine viewer where I brought in the DSM and NAIP image.  From the Erdas Imagine main interface I clicked on the Terrain tab and selected the Anaglyph tool.  The Anaglyph Generation window opened I inputted my DSM as the Input DEM and I inputted the NAIP image as the Input Image.  I set a name and location for my output file to save to.  I confirmed the Exaggeration was set to 1 and I left all of the other parameters at their default.  I clicked OK to run the model.  When it finished running I dismissed the notice and brought the image into the Erdas Imagine viewer.  All of the difficulties in creating the anaglyph image occurred when preparing the data.  Projecting, clipping, and exporting the data in different formats were unexpected steps I had to take to create the anaglyph image.  My anaglyph image can be found in the Results section, Figure 7.  To view the image properly polaroid glasses should be worn.             

            The digital surface model with first returns with a hillshade gives a three-dimension representation of the surface of Lake County.  This image shows what feature the laser pulse hit first, usually a taller object.  This model is useful in identifying surface features like buildings, vegetation and other features.  The digital terrain model of ground returns with a hillshade gives a bare-earth model of the topographic surface of Lake County.  This image shows what the laser pulses hit last, the ground.  This model is useful in interpreting the different elevations in the county area.  This model shows what the land looks like with no surface features, all trees, houses, and other features that usually cover the county are absent in this image.  This model helps with examining what the earth looks like under the features that are normally there.  The intensity image will help with giving a very clear, detailed image of Lake County.  LiDAR intensity measures the strongest return from each laser pulse.  This image will help with seeing the finer detailed parts of the county.  In this image smaller details will be able to be seen.  The intensity image can be used in feature detection and extraction.  The anaglyph gives a three-dimensional view of Lake County.  The anaglyph image combines a digital surface model and a NAIP image to create a three-dimensional view.  Elevation changes can be visually seen and the features visually pop off the screen when viewing the image while using polaroid glasses.    

Digital Surface Model
Figure 2. Created Digital Surface Model of Lake County, IL.

DSM Hillshade
Figure 3. Created Digital Surface Model Hillshade of Lake County, IL. 

Digital Terrain Model
Figure 4. Created Digital Terrain Model of Lake County, IL.

DTM Hillshade
Figure 5. Created Digital Terrain Model Hillshade of Lake County, IL.  

Intensity Image
Figure 6. Created Intensity Image of Lake County, IL. 

Anaglyph Image
Figure 7. Created Anaglyph Image of Lake County, IL. 

The major conclusions I can draw from this project are that Lake County is a very flat land area.  Lake County is mostly covered with neighborhoods and subdivisions.  There are no major city components like Lake County’s neighboring county, Cook County, which contains the city of Chicago.  The land is very flat as the digital terrain model shows.  The only area with a change in elevation is on the coast of Lake Michigan there is a slight drop in elevation leaving this area prone to flooding from the lake.  There are no major hills or mountains.  The tallest structures in Lake County are roofs on homes and treetops.  There are many trees in Lake County as the digital surface model shows.  The highest density of trees is located along the county’s boarder with Lake Michigan.  Overall Lake County is residential living with many homes, probably for commuters that work in Chicago.  There is also a great amount of farm land in Lake County.  The anaglyph highlights the rectangular plots of land being used for farming.  Farming locations fall farther away from Lake Michigan and are located on the west side of Lake County.  The anaglyph image also allowed for the interpretation that there are numerous lakes located in Lake County all located on the west side of the county.  Using the anaglyph image I could identify an airport in the city of Waukegan.  Overall Lake County looks like a flat county located on Lake Michigan with thriving farm and residential life.       


Lake County, IL, USA. (2015, July 17). Retrieved May 09, 2016, from

Lake County, Illinois (IL). (n.d.). Retrieved May 09, 2016, from

Lake County, Illinois Genealogy, History & Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved May 09, 2016, from

LiDAR point cloud and Tile Index are from Lake County, 2007.

National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) image is from United States Department of Agriculture, Lake County 2007.

Quick Facts Lake County, Illinois. (n.d.). Retrieved May 09, 2016, from

United States shapefiles cities, states, lakes, and counties from Esri 2013 Dataset.